Tag Archives: United Latino Professionals

#30DayChallenge & Happiness

It’s getting late but I wanted to make sure I posted today. I’ve made a commitment to do a #30DayChallenge where I post every day. I’ve been talking about writing a blog for so long that it’s time to get some real momentum going! I’m a firm believer in making your goals public and creating accountability in that way. 

So now I really want to talk about this amazing article I read this week. If I could make everyone I know read it, I would. It’s called “Does Trying to be Happy Make Us Unhappy?” It resonated with me very strongly. It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Recently, I have lost touch with some of the things I enjoy to do and I have not felt as happy as before. The article mentions pursuing a state of flow,  in which you’re totally immersed and lost in an experience. Then later, you might think about it and realize that that was a “happy” experience. When do I feel in a state of flow? I can name some things. I LOVED doing karate. It made me very happy. I’m lucky that at work we have a karate instructor and there is an opportunity to continue my studies after 10 years of not practicing. I love salsa dancing, especially with a live band and a positive atmosphere. I went dancing a couple of days ago and was reminded of how much fun it is and how much I miss it. I love spending quality time with friends, especially time with girlfriends. I also really enjoy networking and being part of a community of people who are driven to contribute to the world and pursue their passions. That’s what I find with the Latinos in Social Media (#LATISM) community, as well as United Latino Professionals (@ULP_National), and the @ELLAInstitute community. The online world and in-person worlds flow seamlessly, and I feel like I’ve only just hit the tip of iceberg and there’s so much more to discover. I believe I’ll be happier if I create more experiences of flow in my life and pay attention to the things that nourish me. 

You’ll be seeing a lot more of me on Twitter and on this blog. Looking forward to talking to you!

One final note: Thanks to everyone who has given me positive feedback and support since I went public with this blog and having Usher Syndrome. It means the world.


I’ve been named a #LatinasThinkBig Twitter Ambassador!


Very exited about supporting the @EllaInstitute with their launch event this Thursday at Barnard College! Dr. Angelica Perez-Litwin is one of the women in the public eye that I truly admire. She dedicates her time to uplifting other women and utilizing social media as a positive tool. She founded New Latina, the Latina Leadership Network Facebook group, and now the ELLA Institute. All while working as a psychotherapist and having a family as well. Entrepreneurship, in particular social entrepreneurship, really calls me. I hope that one day I’ll have the opportunity to work for myself while making a meaningful impact on the world. It will be people like Angelica that I will look to for mentorship and guidance.

At Thursday’s launch event, I’ll be attending with a wonderful group of members of United Latino Professionals, a social networking organization for Latinos. I’ve been a member since 2009 and it has been an amazing way to make friends and be active in the city. You can join us on Meetup or Facebook, and we are launching a comprehensive website soon.

The event is sold out. But if you still want to join us, you actually can! It will be livestreamed by Google+.

I’ll be tweeting from @CatarinaRivera. Looking forward to it! It’s always really inspiring to be around women who are go-getters. I’m sure the room will be alive with energy, passion, and new ideas.